Is where I connected with Tricon at a personal level. Sridhar Shetty spent several years in Scotland studying at Scottish Caledonian University and later working as a software engineer for Scottish Power before moving back to India. After a short while,…
A very fast transition
No technology can be mastered in a day. So, you learn every day. Software engineer Atul Gaurav still remembers the words of advice he received from Tricon Infotech’s Chief Technology Officer shortly after he was hired. “Just be an engineer,” the…
From novice student to veteran teacher
I always remember how I joined, and how I learned, and how I improved myself to do the current role right. When Hima Bindu first interviewed at Tricon Infotech in 2008, she scarcely knew what it meant to be a QA…
A crash course in success
Starting a practice in the company.That’s kind of a proud moment for me. When Aayush Tyagi joined Tricon Infotech shortly after graduating from the Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology in 2018, he spent the first few months as a bench employee doing…
Investment in knowledge pays off
I feel like Tricon was giving us a path to learn continuously. It never stopped us for a single technology or single thing. It gave me an opportunity to learn many things here. Priyanka Killedar joined Tricon Infotech in 2021 after…
From engineer to data scientist
I don’t think this is possible in any other company where one has direct access to the CTO mentoring you. Senior Software Developer Vikhyath Srivathsav began his Tricon career in 2018 as an intern after graduating from Vellore Institute of Technology. Unlike…
culture of continuous learning
You grow as you work. I never felt that my growth has stopped. Sanditha Shetty began her Tricon Infotech career as a Junior Developer in 2013 after graduating from the Manipal Institute of Technology. Early on, she discovered that her work…